

Community Power

Community Power is a 100% “green” power plant. For the first time, a full green power plant that is able to provide/sustain a stable grid and electricity for an entire city. Combining all the options for producing green energy, together with the ability to store the generated sustainable energy, SophSys BV and its partners are now able to build a complete power plant; the implementation of the first project will start soon.

Community Power  (hereafter: “CP”) combines a number of inventions, developments and solutions for producing green energy, with – in the center of it all – the Waste4me pyrolysis installation and the Bio Based Battery unit.


An important element of this project is the involvement of the local population. CP is the first-ever attempt to involve the local end users as part owners of a power plant. Every citizen in the targeted area will be part-owner, through a certificate of ownership. All citizens together form a group, by means of a special-purpose foundation. The foundation as such holds voting rights and a collective % ownership in the green power plant.

By using the local community ‘s cooperation in this fashion, CP is fully supported by the local people as a group.  CP will continue to grow through the years, as the city’s population will grow too.

Adding people to the collective means more demand for energy from the CP power plant, whilst the growth of people also creates more waste. The waste produced by the collective is an integral part of CP, as the waste will be transformed into energy. Scalability is an important part of the entire project, as we aim to make the city grow and with that growth, the demand for more green energy will rise.

Jobs program

As part of the social impact of this power plant, CP has a jobs program integrated into the system. As the power plant needs operators, the community will be a source of operators and staff. At the same time, new companies settling into the area of CP will bring new jobs to the area and therefore will be ‘rewarded’ by a price reduction for the energy use during a specific period of time. In this way, CP will work as an generator for cutting back unemployment in the area and will produce new jobs and growth of the area surrounding the power plant.


CP will be built to deliver 100% green energy at a competitive rate to the regular energy grid, helping the community to become successful at making a transition from regular energy sources to renewable energy. In the financial projections, subsidies and financial compensations from the government or European Union are being considered, since the power plant will generate energy at a cost, lower than average.

Want to know more about this development, be part of it, or have suggestions and solutions? Contact us.

Sharing knowledge

Pryazovskyi State Technical University is one of the leading universities in Ukraine on engineering.
As a guest lecturer, the COO of SophSys, Mr Martijn Beerthuizen, teaches to both Bachelor’s and Masters students of topics such as fuel, engine modification and prototype development.

SophSys believes in the value of sharing knowledge with the students to prepare them for the outside world. As a hands-on teacher, Mr Beerthuizen lectures either via video link or in person at the university.
Lessons are done in English and with support of an Ukrainian partner, real time translated in the classroom. We are proud to be part of this university and proud to be part of their team.